Thirst Groups
Interested in diving deeper into the Word of God?
We currently have a number of opportunities to participate in “Thirst Groups,”
What is a thirst group? It’s a small group of people who gather on a regular, or weekly, basis to discuss faith through a particular lens.
A number of groups will be announced soon, but there are current opportunities to participate in Sunday School for adults, children and our Nomads Youth.
A group is planning to meet Tuesday evenings at 6 p.m. at the church from Oct. 1 to Nov. 5 (Election Day) to participate in a study titled, "What Happens Next," which is a six-week study by Max Lucado, focused on navigating the crazy season we are in - all while trusting God's perfect plan for the future. It will be hosted by Regis Lynch.
Interested in signing up for "What Happens Next" or to participate in Sunday School/Youth? Just fill out this form!